Ingredients: 2 cups pumpkin seeds, 1/4 stick of butter, 1 tbsp kosher salt, 1 tspn garlic powder.
Directions: Preheat Oven to 350 F. Separate seeds from membrane - rub the whole mess vigorously until seeds release from slimy stuff. Add seeds to a small stock pot and add salt and water just to cover the seeds. Bring water/seeds to a boil and drop the heat to a low boil for 10min. Drain well and discard salt water. Place drained seeds back into the pot. Over low heat, dry the seeds for 5 min. (you will get some scum building up the bottom of the pot but don't worry). Add butter and garlic powder and mix thru, stirring for about 5 min, or until ingredients are well incorporated. Transfer seed mix to baking pan and spread the seeds out. Roast in oven for 10-15min depending on your oven. Mix about half way thru. Keep an eye on it. It should end up kinda golden in color, and the skin should be "crackable." Cool seeds for about 5 minutes before eating, and let it cool completely before storing (or else the residual moisture will make it soggy).
Clean-Up: Add about a cup of water to the stock pot and boil off the scum, scraping with an appropriate utensil.
Enjoy! And, let me know.
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